Chauncy Humason Andrews

Excerpt from "History of Youngstown and
Mahoning County, Ohio"
Gen. Thos. W. Sanderson - 1907

Perhaps no citizen of the whole Mahoning valley presented, through a long and unusually active life, a more thorough ideal of the enterprising, successful business man than did the late Chauncy Humason Andrews, and yet this was but one side of his life.

On the other was seen the cultured, trayeled gentleman, the patron of art and literature and the silent partner from whose generosity came the means for the upbuilding of great charities, His life was prolonged to the age of the Psalmist, but it was all too short to finish much of the work his remarkable mind had planned and his energy brought into being.

Chauncy Humason Andrews was born at Vienna, Trumbull County, Ohio, December 2, 1823, and died at his home at Youngstown, after a painful illness, December 25. 1893. His parents were Norman and Julia (Humason) Andrews. Norman Andrews was born in 1799, at Hartford, Connecticut, and in 1818 located in Trumbull County, Ohio, where he engaged in farming and mercantile business. He was one of the pioneer hotel keepers at Youngstown, opening the Mansion House here in 1842, which he conducted until he retired from business in 1850. By his first marriage he had three sons and three daughters.

Chauncy H. Andrews was educated at Youngstown. The old brick building. which served as school house in his boyhood, long since gave way to city improvements, St. John's Protestant Episcopal Church standing on its site. When he was about 18 years of age, he left his books and began to assist his father in the hotel. His mother died in 1848, and two years later his father disposed of the hotel business. The young man then became associated with a fellow townsman and together they carried on for a time a successful, mercantile business under the name of Brenneman & Andrews; but in 1853 they were overtaken by reverses.

Mr. Andrews then returned to the hotel business and continued as manager of the Mansion House for some four years. In the meantime he had become interested in coal mining and had ventured almost all he possessed in pushing his investments, In 1857 Mr. Andrews justified his predictions and perseverance, opening up what was known as the Thorn Hill coal bank, on the Baldwin farm. From that time on, through enterprises of larger and larger magnitude, Andrews continued his successful career, becoming the promoter, operator and owner of mines, rolling mills, railroads and great financial institutions, farms and high-grade stock, bonds and securities, acquiring all those varied possessions which make the millionaire. In recalling some of his greatest enterprises, it will be seen that a majority of them were designed to be of benefit to his own community; in fact, Mr. Andrews was one of the makers of Youngstown.

In 1876 Mr. Andrews was one of the promoters and organizers of the Pittsburg & Lake Erie Railroad Company; he was chiefly instrumental in organizing the Commercial National Bank of Youngstown, of which he was president and stockholder at the time of his death; he was vice-president of the Second National Bank of Youngstown; he was interested in the management of the Savings Bank. which has since been merged into the Mahoning National Bank; with other capitalists.

He built the Montour Railroad; in 1879 he established the Imperial Coal Company, which owns one of the largest and finest coal fields in Western Pennsylvania; in connection with the corporations of which he was a member. He opened three extensive limestone quarries in Mahoning County, Ohio, and Lawrence County, Pennsylvania; in 1880, with W. C. Andrews and William McCreery, he obtained the charter for the Pittsburg, Youngstown & Chicago Railroad Company, of which he later became president, and he was one of the Hocking Valley syndicate and a director and stockholder in the Hocking Valley Railroad Company.

The above enumeration takes in but a small portion of the many interests which felt his influence. For years his strength seemed inexhaustible, but at last nature asserted herself and the time came when the busy hand had to rest and the tireless foot stand still. The brain kept on, however. and even when racked with pain Mr. Andrews was still able to send out from that clear mentality, which continued to the last, directions for the carrying on of his vast industries which were heedecl by his thousands of employees.

In I857, Mr. Andrews was married to Louisa Baldwin, of the old Mahoning County family, amd they had two daughters. Edith H.. , widow of the late John A.Logan, Jr.. and Julia L.. , wife of L. C. Bruce, both residents of New York City. Mrs. Andrews still survives and resides in one of the palatial hnmes of Youngstown at No. 750 Wick Avenue.

In all that goes to make up perfect citizenship. the late Chauncy H.Andrews was a model-- law-abiding, liberal and public-spirited. He voted with the Republican party, but his life was too thoroughly absorbed by his many private enterprises to permit him to ever consent to consider political position

His political friends. however, were numerous and included among them those whose names have reflected the greatest luster upon the commonwealth of Ohio. Around his deathbed gathered persons of distinction who were anxious to minister to his wants, and one of the honorary pall bearers was the late President William McKinlev, then Governor of Ohio, for whom he entertained a warm, personal friendship.

Other members of this notable gathering were: Governor Russell A. Alger. of Michigan. lately deceased: the late John Newell, president of the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Railroad Company; Judge Stephenson Burke, the great railroad lawyer of Cleveland; General Orlando Smith, of the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Company; W. J. Hitchcock; J. W. McKinnie. of Cleveland; General Thomas W. Sanderson: L. E. Cochran; the late Henry Tod; J. G. Butler, Jr., and and the late General T. L. Botsford.

A11 of these distinguished men of great affairs had been closely associated with Mr. Andrews in business, or public or social life and to each one his death came with a sense of personal loss.

The journals of this city united in naming him the foremost citizen of the great Mahoning Valley and placed him with the foremost industrial organizers of the state. They laid emphasis on his public spirit. his well-directed energy, his persevering courage in the face of early discouragements, his great executive ability and his unbounded generosity.

Scarcely any worthy charity or philanthropic enterprise of a11 this section but felt his quickening help, and his hand was extended on many occasions to rescue dying enterprises or to give the needed impetus to languishing industries.

Personally, Mr. Andrews was magnetic. He possessed the suave, affable manner of the man of the social graces and at the same time the hearty geniality which can never be mistaken for insincerity.