1907 Sanborn Maps of Youngstown

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3.     Youngstown, Ohio; 1907 vol. 1; STREETS: Calvin [1-22]; Calvin [100-138]; Craven [1-132]; Dearborn Ave. [2601-2621]; Federal W. [2365-2666]; Hannon S. [2600-2613]; Hannon S. [2614-2736]; Homestead; Spring Lane [1-26]; SPECIALS: Mahoning Lumber Co. Plan'g Mill &c.; St. Anthony's R. C. Church and School

4.     Youngstown, Ohio; 1907 vol. 1; STREETS: Calvin [101-147]; Calvin [200-241]; Federal W. [2100-2364]; Fox [100-137]; Hamburg [2-58]; Poplar [57-196]; Spruce [1-136]

5.     Youngstown, Ohio; 1907 vol. 1; STREETS: Berlin [200-225]; Carlyle [300-347]; Carlyle [919-952]; Clifton [1800-2037]; Grover [200-225]; Harvard [300-357]; Highland Street [1800-1916]; Lafayette [200-250]; Prime Alley

6.     Youngstown, Ohio; 1907 vol. 1; STREETS: Carlyle [851-918]; Clyde [616-659]; Delaware Ave. [830-939]; Highland Street [1500-1726]; Jefferson [200-336]; Lafayette [201-249]; Seneca [200-319]; Superior [200-349]; Virginia [1500-1625]; SPECIALS: Grace United Evangelical Church

7.     Youngstown, Ohio; 1907 vol. 1; STREETS: Berlin [1-142]; Columbia [100-161]; Federal W. [1800-2051]; Hamburg [1-59]; Highland Street [1801-1919]; Lafayette [2-164]; Oakland Ave. [1800-1925]; Poplar [1-56]; Prime Alley; SPECIALS: Brier Hill Public School; St. Paul's Evang. Luth. Church & Sch.; Youngstown Steel Co. Offices

8.     Youngstown, Ohio; 1907 vol. 1; STREETS: Federal W. [1500-1749]; Highland Street [1501-1725]; Jefferson [2-164]; Lafayette [1-165]; Oakland Ave. [1500-1725]; Seneca [100-161]; Superior [1-162]; SPECIALS: Evangelical Luth. Emanuels Church; Fire Department Hose Co. No. 5

9.     Youngstown, Ohio; 1907 vol. 1; STREETS: Clyde [300-615]; Coral [1450-1472]; Jefferson [135-341]; Nicholas; Sherman [900-931]; Wirt [322-519]; Worthington [300-447]

10.     Youngstown, Ohio; 1907 vol. 1; STREETS: Burrows [1-55]; Coral [1451-1471]; Federal W. [1254-1268]; Federal W. [1300-1491]; Fleming [1-64]; Forney Ave.; Furnace [2-112]; Jefferson [1-129]; Lilac [1300-1335]; Otis; Sherman [1000-1031]; Spruce Alley; Worthington [1-128]; SPECIALS: St. Anne's Roman Catholic Church

11.     Youngstown, Ohio; 1907 vol. 1; STREETS: Belle Ave. [1-44]; Crescent [500-621]; Parkwood [500-525]; Rayen Ave. W. [1116-1130]; Rayen Ave. W. [1131-1232]; St. Clair [1100-1236]; Thurman [1200-1231]; SPECIALS: Heller Bros. Planing Mill

12.Youngstown, Ohio; 1907 vol. 1; STREETS: Ardale S. [400-540]; Clara; Federal W. [1000-1253]; Federal W. [1255-1269]; Furnace [1-45]; James Court; Marble [1000-1082]; Texas Alley

13.Youngstown, Ohio; 1907 vol. 1; STREETS: Bridge [1300-1315]; Central Ave. [1200-1251]; Crescent [132-431]; Hezlep [1100-1233]; Manning Ave. [1200-1315]; Parkwood [200-428]; St. Clair [1201-1235]; Young [200-231]

14.Youngstown, Ohio; 1907 vol. 1; STREETS: Ardale S. [138-221]; Ardale S. [300-320]; Caldwell [1000-1049]; Central Ave. [1100-1155]; Hezlep [900-1051]; Isabella [124-226]; Manning Ave. [1000-1159]; Parkwood [201-427]; Rayen Ave. W. [1019-1051]; Rayen Ave. W. [1101-1114]; Rayen Ave. W. [1115-1129]; St. Clair [1101-1171]; Wells [134-231]; SPECIALS: Caldwell Street Public School; Carnegie Steel Co. Upper Mill; Hoffman Fred. Sons Planing Mill

15.Youngstown, Ohio; 1907 vol. 1; STREETS: Ardale S. [301-539]; Caldwell [900-949]; Charles [900-933]; Eagle [168-226]; Federal W. [833-975]; Gardner [400-426]; Rayen Ave. W. [1018-1050]; Rayen Ave. W. [900-1017]; Reserve [200-449]; SPECIALS: Hoffman Bros. Planing Mill; Youngstown Foundry and Machine Co.

16.Youngstown, Ohio; 1907 vol. 1; STREETS: Ardale S. [601-643]; Crossman Ave. [810-919]; Federal W. [800-976]; Griffith [500-646]; Morrison Ave. [600-693]; Rose Alley; Westlake Ave. [600-661]; SPECIALS: Negro Baptist Church; Primitive Methodist Episcopal Church

17.Youngstown, Ohio; 1907 vol. 1; STREETS: Belmont Ave. [1300-1310]; Belmont Ave. [1311-1628]; Bismarck Ave. [500-701]; Covington [1300-1627]; Cumberland Ave. [500-638]; Delaware Ave. [501-565]; Emerson Place; Foster [1300-1325]; Oxford Ave. [500-641]; SPECIALS: Parmelee Public School

18.Youngstown, Ohio; 1907 vol. 1; STREETS: Bissell Ave. [67-161]; Broadway [59-146]; Elm [1201-1361]; Florencedale Ave. [1200-1361]; Kensington Ave. [1200-1360]; Millicent Ave. [1200-1361]; Woodbine Ave. [36-160]; SPECIALS: Brown Richard Meth. Episc. Church

19.Youngstown, Ohio; 1907 vol. 1; STREETS: Broadway [262-330]; Fairgreen Ave. [262-299]; Fifth Ave. [1300-1531]; Laura [263-299]; North Heights [262-299]

20.Youngstown, Ohio; 1907 vol. 1; STREETS: Bissell Ave. [200-231]; Broadway [200-260]; Elm [1300-1452]; Fairgreen Ave. [200-261]; Laura [201-261]; North Heights [220-261]; Ohio Ave. [1300-1453]

21.Youngstown, Ohio; 1907 vol. 1; STREETS: Bissell Ave. [68-160]; Elm [1401-1557]; Florencedale Ave. [1400-1557]; Kensington Ave. [1400-1556]; Millicent Ave. [1400-1557]; Thornton Ave. [65-162]

22.Youngstown, Ohio; 1907 vol. 1; STREETS: Custer Ave. [200-246]; Kensington Ave. [1401-1557]; Tacoma Ave. [1-68]; Thornton Ave. [1-64]; Wick Ave. Extended [1400-1550]; Williams Ave. [1-68]

23.Youngstown, Ohio; 1907 vol. 1; STREETS: Burke [600-752]; Covington [1000-1225]; Cumberland Ave. [601-807]; Foster [1000-1226]; Griffith [1000-1225]; Harlem [700-743]; Harmony [1000-1075]; Lexington [600-807]; Parmelee Ave. [600-807]

24.Youngstown, Ohio; 1907 vol. 1; STREETS: Belmont Ave. [1000-1224]; Burke [400-552]; Cumberland Ave. [501-551]; Foster [1001-1225]; Lexington [500-551]; Owen Ave. [1000-1057]; Parmelee Ave. [500-551]

25.Youngstown, Ohio; 1907 vol. 1; STREETS: Belmont Ave. [1041-1309]; Broadway [331-452]; Caroline [344-396]; Ford Ave. [1100-1315]; Short

26.Youngstown, Ohio; 1907 vol. 1; STREETS: Belmont Ave. [901-1039]; Burke [346-397]; Caroline [345-397]; Fifth Ave. [800-920]; Ford Ave. [715-739]; Ford Ave. [800-1033]; Grace Street [348-394]; Madison Ave. [400-452]

27.Youngstown, Ohio; 1907 vol. 1; STREETS: Fifth Ave. [801-935]; Madison Ave. [280-356]; Michigan Ave. [800-871]; Park Ave. [270-299]; Pennsylvania Ave. [800-870]; Pennsylvania Ave. [900-935]

28.Youngstown, Ohio; 1907 vol. 1; STREETS: Elm [720-936]; Madison Ave. [200-279]; Ohio Ave. [800-871]; Park Ave. [201-267]; Pennsylvania Ave. [801-869]

29.Youngstown, Ohio; 1907 vol. 1; STREETS: Baldwin [2-148]; Bryson [900-925]; Elm [901-999]; Parkview Ave. [100-151]; Wick Ave. [900-998]; Woodbine Ave. [15-161]

30.Youngstown, Ohio; 1907 vol. 1; STREETS: Baldwin [1-147]; Bryson [755-830]; Elm [753-829]; Madison Ave. [1-146]; Wick Ave. [756-854]; SPECIALS: Fire Department Hose Co. No. 7

31.Youngstown, Ohio; 1907 vol. 1; STREETS: Burke [601-729]; Covington [600-925]; Crossman Ave. [600-809]; Foster [600-924]; George [600-635]; Griffith [547-657]; Griffith [800-925]; Hayman [600-809]; Scott [600-630]; SPECIALS: Covington Street Public School

32.Youngstown, Ohio; 1907 vol. 1; STREETS: Belmont Ave. [600-930]; Burke [401-551]; Crossman Ave. [400-551]; Foster [601-925]; George [500-549]; Hayman [500-551]; North Ave. [600-927]; Scott [400-548]

33.Youngstown, Ohio; 1907 vol. 1; STREETS: Belmont Ave. [601-811]; Custer Ave. [300-393]; Ford Ave. [600-713]; Ford Ave. [714-738]; Grace Street [347-393]; Holmes [600-730]; Madison Ave. [401-453]; Scott [300-394]

34.Youngstown, Ohio; 1907 vol. 1; STREETS: Arlington [300-398]; Belmont Ave. [433-535]; Ford Ave. [400-557]; Grant [300-399]; Holmes [500-590]; Iona [300-349]; Scott [299-397]

35.Youngstown, Ohio; 1907 vol. 1; STREETS: Custer Ave. [201-245]; Custer Ave. [247-294]; Elm [650-718]; Grant [200-298]; Holmes [565-721]; Madison Ave. [281-347]; Scott [200-285]

36.Youngstown, Ohio; 1907 vol. 1; STREETS: Arlington [200-280]; Elm [500-648]; Grant [201-299]; Holmes [501-549]; Spring [200-285]; Yale Ave. [500-541]; SPECIALS: Elm Street School; Yale Ave. School

37.Youngstown, Ohio; 1907 vol. 1; STREETS: Arlington [100-142]; Bryson [500-646]; Elm [501-647]; Kenwood Court [2-6]; Spring [1-142]; Wick Ave. [500-656]

38.Youngstown, Ohio; 1907 vol. 1; STREETS: Bryson [647-754]; Elm [649-751]; Kenwood Court [1-7]; Scott [1-142]; Wick Ave. [658-754]

39.Youngstown, Ohio; 1907 vol. 1; STREETS: Covington [300-549]; Federal W. [700-760]; Foster [300-546]; Griffith [401-545]; Lincoln Ave. [600-631]; Rayen Ave. W. [600-636]; Scott [601-629]; Thomas [600-743]; SPECIALS: Fire Department Hose Co. No. 3

40.Youngstown, Ohio; 1907 vol. 1; STREETS: Belmont Ave. [300-544]; Burnett; Foster [301-545]; Lincoln Ave. [400-551]; North Ave. [300-545]; Rayen Ave. W. [400-550]; Scott [401-559]; Thomas [400-559]; SPECIALS: Youngstown Laundry

41.Youngstown, Ohio; 1907 vol. 1; STREETS: Eagle [135-225]; Federal W. [701-831]; Gardner [401-427]; Rayen Ave. W. [724-829]; West Ave. N. [100-231]; SPECIALS: Carnegie Steel Co. Emergency Hosp'l; Carnegie Steel Co. Lower Mills; Youngstown Water Works Pumping Station

42.Youngstown, Ohio; 1907 vol. 1; STREETS: Federal W. [500-649]; North Ave. [100-248]; Rayen Ave. W. [501-723]; SPECIALS: Carnegie Steel Co. Lower Mills; Crystal Ice and Storage Co.; Smith Brewing Co.

43.Youngstown, Ohio; 1907 vol. 1; STREETS: Belmont Ave. [200-230]; Belmont Court; Commerce W. [400-461]; Decker [1-128]; Federal W. [400-499]; Holmes [2-222]; North Ave. [101-241]; Parmelee St. [1-128]; Pine Alley [301-365]; Wood W. [300-357]; SPECIALS: Andrews Flats; Auditorium Skating Rink; Colonial Hotel; Mahoning Builders Supply Co.; Mahoning Valley Car Barn & Pow. Ho's; Mahoning Valley Hospital; Smith Crawford Grain Elevator; Wire and Iron Steel Co.; Youngstown Consolid. Gas & Elec. Co..

44.Youngstown, Ohio; 1907 vol. 1; STREETS: Arlington [301-399]; Belmont Ave. [231-250]; Belmont Ave. [301-425]; Holmes [224-430]; Lincoln Ave. [300-395]; North Ave. [243-249]; Pine Alley [300-370]; Rayen Ave. W. [300-381]; Rayen Ave. W. [401-429]; SPECIALS: Belmont Ave. Meth. Episc. Church; Grace Evangelical Lutheran

45.Youngstown, Ohio; 1907 vol. 1; STREETS: Arlington [201-275]; Elm [200-430]; Holmes [201-431]; Lincoln Ave. [200-277]; Rayen Ave. W. [200-275]; Wood W. [200-280]; SPECIALS: Pelton Flats; Plymouth Congregational Church; St. Columba's R. C. School; Synagogue; Ursuline Academy; Welsh Congregational Church

46.Youngstown, Ohio; 1907 vol. 1; STREETS: Arlington [101-133]; Bryson [400-431]; Elm [201-431]; Lincoln Ave. [1-158]; Phelps N. [200-329]; Rayen Ave. W. [1-156]; Wick Ave. [200-430]; Wood W. [2-160]; SPECIALS: Lincoln Flats; Rayen High School; St. Columba's R. C. Church; St. Joseph's R. C. Church & School

47.Youngstown, Ohio; 1907 vol. 1; STREETS: Boardman W. [200-330]; Federal W. [201-341]; Front W. [200-246]; Front W. [247-320]; Hazel S. [2-134]; Spring Common [1-21]; SPECIALS: Homestead Hotel; Hotel Sherman; Imperial Hotel; St. Paul's English Reformed Church; Youngstown Hay Market

48.Youngstown, Ohio; 1907 vol. 1; STREETS: Chestnut [1-34]; Commerce W. [200-349]; Federal W. [200-350]; Hazel N. [2-130]; Holmes [1-131]; Union Court; Wood W. [137-299]; SPECIALS: Armour & Co. Cold Storage; Central House; Cleveland Provision Co. Cold Storage; Erie R. R. Freight Depot; Hotel Germania; Hotel Iroquis; McKelvey & Co. Department Store; Morris Nelson Cold Storage; Pabat Brewing Co. Bottling Works; St. Columba's R. C. Church

49.Youngstown, Ohio; 1907 vol. 1; STREETS: Boardman W. [1-134]; Central Square [1-23]; Federal W. [1-147]; Front W. [2-130]; Hazel S. [1-131]; Market [2-130]; Phelps S. [1-132]; SPECIALS: City Hall; Fire Department Hose Co. No. 1; First Baptist Church; Grand Opera House; I. O. O. F. Hall; McMillan Public Library; Trinity Methodist Episcopal Church; Vindicator Printing; Youngstown Carriage and Wagon Co.

50.Youngstown, Ohio; 1907 vol. 1; STREETS: Central Square [2-28]; Commerce W. [1-136]; Federal W. [2-146]; Hazel N. [1-131]; Phelps N. [1-132]; Wick Ave. [2-132]; Wood W. [1-135]; SPECIALS: Dollar Bank Building; Elks Club House; Erie Hotel; Erie R. R. Offices; Federal Building; First Christian Church; First Reformed Church; Fitch John H. Co. Wholes. Groceries; Gallagher Block; Renner Block; Salow Hotel; Stambaugh-Thompson Co. Whol. Gro.; Wick Hotel

51.Youngstown, Ohio; 1907 vol. 1; STREETS: Front W. [1-245]; Hamilton; Hazel S. [200-221]; Market [200-424]; Phelps S. [200-245]; SPECIALS: B. & O. R. R. Freight Depot; Central Public School; Falcon Bronze Co.; Pennsylvania R. R. Freight Depot; Post Office; Tod William Co. Engine Builders; United Engineering and Foundry Co.; Youngstown Steam Heating Plant

52.Youngstown, Ohio; 1907 vol. 1; STREETS: Beech [1400-1427]; Division [109-338]; Meade [1301-1322]; SPECIALS: Brier Hill Iron and Coal Co.

53. Youngstown, Ohio; 1907 vol. 1; STREETS: Davis [1-14]; Federal W. [2949-3180]; SPECIALS: Erie R. R. Round House; Steelton School; Youngstown Steel Co. Plant

54. Youngstown, Ohio; 1907 vol. 1; STREETS: Butler Ave. [1476-1640]; Florence Ave. [1500-1639]; Manhattan Ave. [1500-1641]; Midland Ave. [1500-1641]; Salt Spring Road [605-818]; Steel [411-716]; SPECIALS: St. Mary's Greek Catholic Church

55. Youngstown, Ohio; 1907 vol. 1; STREETS: Edwards [2-32]; Garlick [1-28]; Glenwood Ave. [1-22]; Irving Place; Mahoning Ave. [900-1099]; Marshall [900-1066]; Price Road [1-52]; Tod Ave. [900-957]; SPECIALS: Youngstown Ice Co.

56.Youngstown, Ohio; 1907 vol. 1; STREETS: Edwards [1-31]; Johnson [1-116]; Mahoning Ave. [800-899]; Marshall [800-886]; Tod Ave. [800-899]; West Ave. N. [2-78]; West Ave. S. [2-28]; SPECIALS: Bixlers Bakery

57.Youngstown, Ohio; 1907 vol. 1; STREETS: Clark [1-106]; Lorain Court; Mahoning Ave. [624-771]; Marshall [624-760]; Tod Ave. [733-754]; West Ave. N. [1-151]; West Ave. S. [1-27]; SPECIALS: Magyar Evangelical Reformed Church; Mahoning Ave. Public School; Reformed Presbyterian Church; Scheetz Bros. Planing Mill; White Line Bottling Works; Youngstown Lumber Co.; Youngstown Water Works Filtration Plant

58.Youngstown, Ohio; 1907 vol. 1; STREETS: Cottage Row; High [628-733]; Lane; Marshall [701-817]; Petrie [700-735]; Plum [101-345]; School [300-345]; Smith [100-232]; West Ave. S. [100-229]; SPECIALS: West Side School

59.Youngstown, Ohio; 1907 vol. 1; STREETS: Deed [1-30]; Hogue [1-103]; Hogue [105-137]; Mahoning Ave. [500-623]; Marshall [582-622]; Mill [1-120]; Oak Hill Ave. [1-120]; SPECIALS: B. & O. R. R. Passenger Station; Baldwin City Mills; St. Mary's Meth. Episc. Zion Church; Third Baptist Church; Zion Church

60.Youngstown, Ohio; 1907 vol. 1; STREETS: Deed [100-137]; High [500-627]; Hilker [500-601]; Hogue [104-136]; Lane; Marshall [581-647]; Mill [1-120]; Oak Hill Ave. [122-236]; Smith [101-231]; Walter [500-619]

61.Youngstown, Ohio; 1907 vol. 1; STREETS: Cliff [1000-1067]; Garlick [100-348]; Glenwood Ave. [100-353]; High [1000-1067]; Marshall [1001-1067]; Orange [1000-1067]

62.Youngstown, Ohio; 1907 vol. 1; STREETS: Edwards [100-343]; Garlick [101-347]; Granite [900-940]; Hall Ave.; High [800-941]; Marshall [819-925]; Orange [900-925]; Plum [100-342]; Wallace [215-346]; SPECIALS: Union Church

63.Youngstown, Ohio; 1907 vol. 1; STREETS: Bogges; Edwards [344-492]; Fairview Ave. [1000-1059]; Garlick [349-370]; Granite [901-941]; Hawthorne Ave. [1020-1055]; Mercer [900-1047]; Mount Pleasant [900-1050]

64.Youngstown, Ohio; 1907 vol. 1; STREETS: Edwards [345-489]; Hist Place; John [700-739]; Joseph [635-674]; Mercer [800-853]; Mount Pleasant [636-866]; New Court [91-98]; Plum [346-541]; School [346-421]; Wallace [347-368]

65.Youngstown, Ohio; 1907 vol. 1; STREETS: Arcadia Court; Joseph [500-634]; Mill [1-120]; Mount Pleasant [500-634]; New Court [1-90]; Oak Hill Ave. [121-319]; Oak Hill Ave. [386-440]; Pike [326-437]; Rivers [200-237]; SPECIALS: A. M. E. Church; Wilkoff Bros. Co. Scrap Iron

66.Youngstown, Ohio; 1907 vol. 1; STREETS: Frances [200-241]; Mill [1-120]; New Court [400-425]; Oak Hill Ave. [321-433]; Pike [94-325]; Ridge Ave. [2-240]; Werner [400-451]; SPECIALS: City Brewery; Youngstown

67.Youngstown, Ohio; 1907 vol. 1; STREETS: Duquesue [900-1069]; Edwards [500-726]; Garlick [500-725]; Glenwood Ave. [491-717]; Lydia [900-1068]; Mount Pleasant [1054-1069]; Mount Pleasant [901-1053]; Woodland Ave. W. [900-1069]

68.Youngstown, Ohio; 1907 vol. 1; STREETS: Edwards [800-1028]; Empire [400-565]; Falls [400-565]; Garlick [800-1029]; Glenwood Ave. [801-1027]; Kendall [400-566]; Lydia [901-1063]

69.Youngstown, Ohio; 1907 vol. 1; STREETS: Edwards [1100-1326]; Garfield [400-569]; Garlick [1100-1325]; Glenwood Ave. [1101-1117]; Kendall [401-569]; McKinnie [400-566]; Myrtle W. [400-569]

70.Youngstown, Ohio; 1907 vol. 1; STREETS: Buckeye [900-957]; Cleveland [400-561]; Edwards [1400-1716]; Garlick [1400-1725]; McKinnie [401-565]; Waldo [900-1061]

71.Youngstown, Ohio; 1907 vol. 1; STREETS: Duquesue [630-863]; Edwards [501-823]; Falls [232-384]; Hillman [500-823]; Lydia [632-863]; Mount Pleasant [635-863]; Woodland Ave. W. [628-865]; SPECIALS: Hillman Street School; Methodist Epworth Church

72.Youngstown, Ohio; 1907 vol. 1; STREETS: Duquesue [500-629]; Falls [100-230]; Lydia [500-631]; Mill [1-120]; Mount Pleasant [501-633]; Oak Hill Ave. [500-736]; Thorn [500-725]; Woodland Ave. W. [500-627]

73.Youngstown, Ohio; 1907 vol. 1; STREETS: Alice [600-637]; Duquesue [100-237]; Elmwood [700-721]; Falls [54-96]; Hughes [100-241]; Mill [1-120]; Oak Hill Ave. [501-735]; Ridge Ave. [79-239]; Williams Street [600-732]; Woodland Ave. W. [100-241]

74.Youngstown, Ohio; 1907 vol. 1; STREETS: Falls [2-52]; Hughes [1-48]; Market [500-710]; Ridge Ave. [1-77]; Williams Street [601-735]; Woodland Ave. W. [1-56]; SPECIALS: Banner Electric Co.; Cross J. S. Dr. Sanitarium; Glenwood Children's House; Swedish Mission

Sorry, slide 75 is missing !

76.Youngstown, Ohio; 1907 vol. 1; STREETS: Breaden [100-197]; Carroll [100-229]; Falls [101-229]; Garfield [100-196]; Mill [1-120]; Oak Hill Ave. [800-1130]; SPECIALS: Fire Department Hose Co. No. 4

77.Youngstown, Ohio; 1907 vol. 1; STREETS: Breaden [1-56]; Essex [1-178]; Falls [1-95]; Garfield [2-74]; Henry Alley; Hillman [1200-1438]; Market [712-1010]; Mill [1-120]; Oak Hill Ave. [801-1129]

78.Youngstown, Ohio; 1907 vol. 1; STREETS: Buckeye [800-868]; Cleveland [300-369]; Edwards [1201-1439]; Garfield [301-369]; McKinnie [300-369]; Myrtle W. [300-367]

79.Youngstown, Ohio; 1907 vol. 1; STREETS: Cleveland [119-220]; Garfield [117-199]; Hillman [1201-1525]; McKinnie [119-220]; Myrtle W. [119-220]; Silver [124-210]; SPECIALS: Myrtle Ave. Public School; Third Christian Church

80.Youngstown, Ohio; 1907 vol. 1; STREETS: Cleveland [1-118]; Garfield [1-115]; Market [1200-1526]; McKinnie [1-118]; Mill [1-120]; Myrtle W. [1-118]; Oak Hill Ave. [1200-1527]; Silver [2-122]; SPECIALS: St. Luke's Evang. Lutheran Church

81.Youngstown, Ohio; 1907 vol. 1; STREETS: Buckeye [801-865]; Edwards [1501-1641]; Glenwood Ave. [1811-1831]; Hillman [1500-1812]; Jerry [800-865]; Martin [800-848]; Waldo [800-865]; SPECIALS: Inglis R. Sons Green Houses

82.Youngstown, Ohio; 1907 vol. 1; STREETS: Earle [300-398]; Glenaven [300-349]; Hillman [1814-2120]; Inglis [300-349]; Martin [301-349]; Sugar Grove [300-399]; SPECIALS: Hoppe R. Green Houses

83.Youngstown, Ohio; 1907 vol. 1; STREETS: Bressett [118-211]; Delason Ave. [117-210]; Hillman [1601-1817]; Regent Ave. [118-210]; Silver [115-209]; Willis Ave. [117-210]; SPECIALS: Delason Ave. Public School

84.Youngstown, Ohio; 1907 vol. 1; STREETS: Bressett [1-117]; Delason Ave. [1-116]; Market [1600-1818]; Mill [1-120]; Oak Hill Ave. [1600-1821]; Regent Ave. [100-116]; Silver [1-113]; Willis Ave. [1-116]

85.Youngstown, Ohio; 1907 vol. 1; STREETS: Dallas Ave. [117-210]; Earle [118-210]; Glenaven [117-210]; Hillman [1819-2129]; Regent Ave. [119-209]; Warren Ave. W. [115-210]; SPECIALS: Youngstown Park & Falls St. R'y Co. Barn

86.Youngstown, Ohio; 1907 vol. 1; STREETS: Dallas Ave. [1-116]; Earle [2-116]; Glenaven [1-116]; Market [1820-2128]; Mill [1-120]; Oak Hill Ave. [1822-2129]; Regent Ave. [101-117]; Warren Ave. W. [1-114]; SPECIALS: Evergreen Presbyteran Church

87.Youngstown, Ohio; 1907 vol. 1; STREETS: Chicago Ave. [400-499]; Earle [401-499]; Homer Ave. [400-498]; Ina [400-499]; St. Louis Ave. [400-499]

88.Youngstown, Ohio; 1907 vol. 1; STREETS: Chicago Ave. [300-399]; Earle [301-399]; Hillman [2122-2428]; Homer Ave. [300-398]; Ina [300-399]; St. Louis Ave. [300-399]; SPECIALS: Ina Street Public School

89.Youngstown, Ohio; 1907 vol. 1; STREETS: Chicago Ave. [115-210]; Dewey Ave. [113-200]; Earle [115-209]; Hillman [2131-2427]; Laclede [114-198]; St. Louis Ave. [113-200]

90.Youngstown, Ohio; 1907 vol. 1; STREETS: Chicago Ave. [1-114]; Dewey Ave. [1-112]; Earle [1-113]; Laclede [2-112]; Market [2130-2428]; Mill [1-120]; Oak Hill Ave. [2130-2429]; St. Louis Ave. [1-112]

91.Youngstown, Ohio; 1907 vol. 1; STREETS: Anderson [300-399]; Edwards [2428-2600]; Grace Ave. [300-399]; Highland Ave. [300-399]; Hillman [2430-2600]; Homer Ave. [301-399]

92.Youngstown, Ohio; 1907 vol. 1; STREETS: Highland Ave. at Market St.; Market [2430-2600]; Vine; SPECIALS: Kyle's Corner School

93.Youngstown, Ohio; 1907 vol. 1; STREETS: Highview [1-40]; Hillsdale; Mahoning Ave. [1400-1539]; McKinley Street [1-80]; Weaver [1-40]; Whitney [1-80]

94.Youngstown, Ohio; 1907 vol. 1; STREETS: Glenwood Ave. South of McKinley Av.; Helena Ave.; Highland Ave. at Glenwood Ave.; Indianola Ave.; McKinley Ave.; Parkview Ave. at Glenwood Ave.; Reel Ave.; SPECIALS: Fosterville Public School

95.Youngstown, Ohio; 1907 vol. 1; STREETS: Broad at Canfield; Court at Canfield; Lisbon at Canfield; Main at Canfield; Maple at Canfield; Newton at Canfield; Scott at Canfield; Wadsworth at Canfield; SPECIALS: American Hotel at Canfield; Canfield Milling Co.; Canfield Union Public School; Christian Church at Canfield; Congregational Church at Canfield; Mahoning Dispatch Printing; Methodist Episc. Church at Canfield; North Eastern Ohio Normal School; Park House at Canfield; Presbyterian Church at Canfield

96.Youngstown, Ohio; 1907 vol. 1; STREETS: Lisbon at Canfield; SPECIALS: Callaban & Neff Feed &c.; Canfield Lumber Co.; Canfield M'f'g and Novelty Co.; Erie R. R. Canfield Station; Idora Park; Mahoning County Infirmary; Pelf John & Sons Warehouses